i-Port Warehouse

Large Scale Fulfillment Centre

Location: Doncaster
Sector: Warehouse Fulfillment
Solution: External wireless lighting and Dali control system
Design-Specification-Controls Solution-Supply-Commission

Ai Lighting were tasked with providing a solution to a project where the cable infrastructure had been installed without any BUS network detailed in the specification. 

The project required intelligent control to the external lighting with a manual override facility located within the security hub.


A basic LNE cable infrastructure had been installed to the external Dali luminaires providing no means of connection to  a conventional Dali control network.

The project required a dusk to dawn activation along with single point manual override to enable specific zones to be reduced when unoccupied.


Wireless control modules installed at each luminaire provided a full wireless Dali mesh spanning over 500m and a manual scene set signal broadcasts 1500m around the building perimeter providing full manual override to 6 individual zones, preventing the need of wiring a control network to each luminaire.

Detailed commissioning provided a ‘creep on / off’ feature, during dusk and dawn the external lighting would activate at 10% and creep on to 100% as Dusk descended and revert the process at Dawn. This provided an element of energy savings across the site.

A Wireless scene plate allowed the user to override light levels to 6 independent zones for 100% / 50% / off and switch dim from a single point, in some cases sending a wireless signal over 1500m.

Site by NEARO © Ai-Lighting 2023


01925 982249

Site by NEARO © Ai-Lighting 2023