Circle Square

Multi Storey Car Park

Location: Manchester
Sector: Public
Solution: Wireless lighting Dali control system – Emergency auto test and reporting
Design – Specification – Supply – Commission

Ai Lighting was approached to provide a VE option for the MSCP as part of the Circle Square Project in Manchester City Centre. 

The specification called for a control system that would deliver maximum efficacies and offer a saving against the tendered specification.


Occupying a prominent location, this landmark building required a range of luminaires that offered an element of design, quality and performance.
LUG Lighting superior range of products gave our design team everything that was required to deliver a technically superior project alongside a significant reduction in cost.


Lug Lighting fully integrated and tested at source over 1200 luminaires for the project, with all luminaires ‘plug n play.’

The first fix containment element of the project was fully completed 8 weeks prior to the luminaires arriving on site.  Once installed a mesh of activation zones was implemented during commissioning which provided activation zones for both vehicles and pedestrians.

The entire building utilises a full wireless Dali Emergency test system, providing automated testing and reporting directly back to the client.

Site by NEARO © Ai-Lighting 2023


01925 982249

Site by NEARO © Ai-Lighting 2023